Saturday, August 16, 2014

New Pet!

So we ordered some killifish eggs and they finally hatched! I have some pictures of them but I couldn't find any online pictures of how they'll look when they grow older. The breed type is "Chromaphyosemion Biuittatum Funge" and I don't think it has a common name.. lol

There's our little baby! :')

And this is our tank setup for now. They're still less than a week old so we don't want to introduce anything new yet because we still haven't settled down and we have to move in less than a month so yepp! This tank is temporary and only for when we newly hatch our babies and then when they start to get bigger we move them to a bigger tank :)

I've started another blog just dedicated to our killifish and you can read up on them here: killifishwithjkar
Thank you for reading me! ;P

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