Monday, October 13, 2014

Target Job!

I had an interview at Target today and I got the job!
I applied for seasonal because I figured that was the best way in. I need a job because I'm going to save the money and put myself through college since my dad decided he didn't want to pay. I know it might take awhile but at least this is a step in the right direction!
I had both interviews on the same day. First they make you watch a video on the job that you wanted. (I think I watched the wrong video because after my second interview, they made me watch the correct one and then they told me I got the job!)
Then you wait in the break room while they're interviewing other potential candidates. I got interviewed and they asked questions such as "If I were your supervisor, what would they say your strengths and weaknesses are?" "tell me a time where you had to work as a group and got things done." "tell me a time when things got busy and how did you manage." They also asked if I even shop at target and what things I buy. I also found out that you are able to use your phone and use the target app to help customers find the things they are looking for if they're not available in store.
There was a lot of waiting around but I got the job! I am so happy because I've been so nervous and I really wanted to work at Target because I love it there and every experience I've had there was so good. I really want to help others because that's what my major is and to get that experience here would be so beneficial to me. I hope this leads to a future permanent job at Target!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

DIY Coffee Flower Pot + Green Onion Arrangement

My video on how to make coffee beans look more attractive and a green onion arrangement that I thought would be nice as a plant in your house as well as just to grow for fun!

You only need pipe cleaners and just keep making loops and make sure to twist after every loop because you don't want the flowers to come undone! You could probably do this activity with children.. haha

For the green onion arrangement, I recommend getting a cup with "carvings" or grooves on them so the glass is a little distorted because it kinda hides the roots of the green onions as well as it's pretty too look at as well!

Thanks for reading and checking out my blog! :)

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Honey Roasted Potatoes Recipe!

So me and Aaron have decided to start this crazy new diet where we only eat fruit and vegetables mon-thurs and fri-sun is when we can eat meat.
Obviously there are some exceptions to mon-thurs because we can't completely survive on vegetables and fruit. Our other options are bread, eggs, beans, cereal, etc.
So I don't really like beans which I think is one of the main replacements for meat in vegetarian dishes so I went with potatoes! ^^

I made these honey roasted potatoes and they are so amazing.. I love sweet things so this was pretty much the best thing ever and it's so simple to make with ingredients you most likely have already in your house.

What you'll need:
-cooking oil/spray
-oven (lol)

First you want to preheat the oven to 375 F
Now I used the small red potatoes because I saw them at target and I prefer them over the big brown potatoes but I'm pretty sure whichever you get will be fine..
I cut them into bite size pieces and dunked them in water. I'm not really sure why but when I used to work at a restaurant, the kitchen would tell me that when cutting potatoes, you should dunk them in a bowl of water to wash off the starch of something..? 
Afterwards, I tried them off because I feel like the mixture sticks better to the potatoes when dry.

Everything is to taste so I'm sorry that there are no exact measures...
I added some salt and pepper to cover all the top of the potatoes evenly. Then with the honey I just kept going in circles and tried to cover them evenly. Then with a gloved hand, I mixed everything together so the potatoes are covered completely with the mixture. 

**You want to put more pepper for a spicier kick and more honey for more sweetness. I don't like to add too much salt but this is totally up to you. 
On a metal tray, you want to wrap it with foil and spray some cooking oil/spray onto it. Then spread the potatoes out evenly.

When the oven is done preheating, you want to put it in for 15 min and then take it out and flip them over and put it in for another 15 min. I put them in for 16 min each time because some didn't fully cook all the way through so you might have to adjust the timing. 

The honey seemed to caramelize and the pepper added a slight kick so it was sweet and spicy. It's soooo good.

I plan on making a video today where I make a different style of potatoes and we'll see how it goes because it will be my first time making it and Aaron (my boyfriend) will be test tasting them! >:)

This is my channel if you want to check it out!

Here's the video on how to make Chili Cheese and Garlic and Herb Cheese Potatoes!

New Video!

I decided to make a video on how to choose a good dentist because it just has been bothering me and I don't want anyone else to go through what I did.

Always make sure that the dentist is explaining everything to you.
Make sure the dentist is always showing you your xrays and showing you your teeth formation and any cavities that you may have!
Remember that with anesthetic, your mouth cannot feel any irregularities! My dentist would always ask me if my teeth feel fine after they finish filling in a cavity. I would always tell them yes because with the anesthetic it feels fine and even if I were to lie and tell them it doesn't feel fine, I wouldn't be able to pinpoint where it feels off.
Just remember you are their patient and you deserve to know what they're doing to your teeth especially because they're getting money from you!!